Desideri e conseguenze

Desiderio: I wish every youtuber who intentionally made the title of their videos misleading in an effort to gain more views for their content had their youtube videos titled “[CLICKBAIT]” before the rest of the title

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HeavensSorrow: I wish every youtuber who intentionally made the title of their videos misleading in an effort to gain more views for their content had their youtube videos titled “[CLICKBAIT]” before the rest of the title
I wish every youtuber who intentionally made the title of their videos misleading in an effort to gain more views for their content had their youtube videos titled “[CLICKBAIT]” before the rest of the title

Ed ecco le possibili conseguenze:

Granted. Now [clickbait] becomes the hottest trend on youtube. Every recommended video for you is clickbait.

Granted. Due to complaints to YouTube, a new system is put in place. When a video is reported as,”Misleading,” the video is renamed with,”[CLICKBAIT],” in front of the original title, all videos with,”[CLICKBAIT],” written in the title are unlikely to get many views, and are demonitzed. Due to Youtubes shitty reviewing system, they just leave it up to the viewers to decide if a video is misleading. Viewers begin tagging all videos they dislike as misleading. YouTubers loose motivation to post videos. YouTube stops making money. We no longer have anything to entertain us during the COVID19 quarantine. Through boredom, domestic abuse skyrockets and after 3 months, citizens are either beaten, dead, or worse. The world falls into total anarchy… because you couldn’t decide on what video is or isn’t worth your time.