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Ants can lift many times their body weight, and sharks can smell a drop of blood miles away. What’s something that humans are exceptionally good at?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Ants can lift many times their body weight, and sharks can smell a drop of blood miles away. What’s something that humans are exceptionally good at?
Ants can lift many times their body weight, and sharks can smell a drop of blood miles away. What’s something that humans are exceptionally good at?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Throwing stuff.

No matter how strong your adversary is, if you can attack long range

Obviously using tools. We literally have so many tools at our disposal that we build custom habitats for ourselves, where predators dare not tread.

We have by far the greatest cognitive capacity of any living thing. Our ability to think, reason and imagine has allowed us to do things far beyond that of any other animal.

Machines have allowed us to accomplish things far beyond the capacity of almost any other living thing.

You know that damp, musky scent you smell when it first starts raining. It’s called “petrichor” and is caused by the release of geosmin by soil-dwelling streptomyces when the first raindrops hit soil.

The human nose is several orders of magnitude more sensitive to geosmin than a shark is to blood.

Running long distances. No other animal can do what we can do in that respect.