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Dear Americans, after 4 years of terrible decisions, shame, and laughable situations.. how come this is happening again?

Just because Trump declares himself winner does not mean he is the winner.

Because all of Trump’s base cares about is having the illusion of strength, no matter the costs to themselves, others, and the world, and nobody actually wants to get off their ass to start rioting.

Chill, it will take time to count Biden votes. Most of the people who voted for him voted by mail.

The good people here, the ones who trust science, believe in equal rights, who want a president who isn’t an embarrassment, we have to face the fact that we might simply be in the minority now.

Not American, but even outside of America is fairly easy to see: what does Biden stand for? All he stands for is “I’m not Trump”. Just like Hillary. She stood for nothing but “I’m not Trump and I’m a woman”

That’s not good enough. Be a better candidate.

Not to mention that the left still hasn’t learned that by demonizing your opponents and calling them fascist or racists or idiots just because they vote Republican isn’t going to change their mind. Obviously a part of Trump’s fans are a bunch of racist cunts, but I refuse to believe the millions that voted for him are all like that. I still believe most Trump voters just are regular people who chose the candidate that are closest to what they support and I say this as someone who thinks Trump is a cunt.

And before Republicans here think they go free in this: they’re just as guilty. These past 4 years, everything the Republicans stood for has been about “triggering them liberal snowflakes”. They’re no better.

Whoever wins this shit, America is in for a bumpy ride the next bunch of years. You guys are so divided… even here in Belgium the Wallonia-Flanders thing isn’t nearly as bad.