Domande di Internet

Dear Americans, after 4 years of terrible decisions, shame, and laughable situations.. how come this is happening again?

It’s almost as if offering Hillary 2.0 was a bad decision. The fact that the people seem to elect progressive Dem house members should tell you everything. Offer a real choice for president and not just “the lesser evil”.

Because the internet, MassimoL and social media dont reflect America’s real opinion. It only reflects costal elite opinions.

But are they terrible decisions, shame and laughable situations to those who support Trump?

I think they are – But it seems Politics has become more like a sport and even when I look at a team and think they are ridicouless they wont think so themself.

I’ve scrolled past 20 or so comment and I find incredible how nobody is willing to address the enormous elephant in the room that is the fact that maybe using all the tricks in the books to run a candidate with no appeal nor redeeming qualities, clearly trying to bank on the “but he was friends with Obama” vote and gaslighting and accusing anyone who didn’t agree with this idiotic narrative to be complicit with Trump.

It’s a bit early to say this