Domande di Internet

Do you enjoy being physically turned on (passionate make-out sesh, receiving head, etc.) without having it end in orgasm? Why or why not?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta alle donne.Do you enjoy being physically turned on (passionate make-out sesh, receiving head, etc.) without having it end in orgasm? Why or why not?

Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile:

Yes in the sense it reminds me of being a teenager. No in the sense that I’m not a teenager anymore.

Yup. But I’m not a very sexual person. I like the expression of unbridled passion, so it doesn’t have to end with the big O

I mean I don’t orgasm with partner play much in general, so that’s my normal. But I usually receive sufficient pleasure that it’s a nonissue. Idk. With my last SO sex would leave me frustrated, my current SO there isn’t a classic orgasm but there is a peak and then I’m good.

I have made a rule that he can’t tease me unless he plans to fuck me within 12 hours, though. Because he’d tease me and such but we wouldn’t have sex for multiple days. I’m not about that life.

I feel like your examples are two very different things – making out is great and fun and definitely doesn’t need to end in orgasm because it’s not sex.

Receiving (and giving) head is sex, and no one likes unfulfilling sex. Like, it’s fine if it happens sometimes, and sure sex can be fulfilling in other ways with a loving partner, but if you never or rarely get there then it can kill your sex drive.

Only rarely, and only in certain situations. I’ll make out with someone for hours without necessarily needing to take it any further, but if someone’s going down on me and they stop for some reason before I come, I’m going to be…put-off. Obviously my being turned on does not entitle me to that other person getting me off, but…why would you start something like that if you’re not going to finish it?

I’m not going to try to pull something like blue balls because I know I’m perfectly able to take care of it myself, but I’ll definitely be hesitant to start anything else with that person in the future.

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