Domande di Internet

Does it seem to anybody else that there are a ton of Internet posts that are designed to make you hate other human beings in general?

There is definitely a concerted effort by some foreign powers to use social media to divide Americans, using our openness and free speech against us. Notably Russia and China, though Iran and others are players too.

Whether they are successful enough to consistently make the front page of MassimoL is an open question, though.

what makes you think it’s designed instead of organic reactions? humans are pretty tribalism and emotional

Bots and people with no lives trying to misrepresent the public so you can feel better about being a bitter, angry loser. That’s what browsing popular/all does. That, and cringy stuff.

Yes. I think a lot of the people that upvote these posts want to take their anger (frustration in life) out on others and blame others for their life situation and problems in life.

While I agree somewhat, I am more bothered when it is actual racism or xenophobia. Hating on Karen’s I think is mostly harmless. People know it’s a joke to poke fun of a certain type of entitled woman. While this isn’t super healthy it sort of calls out a behavior. Whhe people talk about all men or all women or all Chinese or all americans, there is danger of them taking it very seriously and forming prejudices.