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How did your physically abusive parter react to domestic violence ads when you were watching tv together?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta alle donne.How did your physically abusive parter react to domestic violence ads when you were watching tv together?

Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile:

Oddly, mine would talk about how horrible it was. He wouldn’t even watch tv shows or movies where cheating or abuse was occurring. He said it made him sad. I think he just saw a lot of himself in those characters and couldn’t “look in the mirror.” It was so odd to me.

He had a kind of “who would ever do that?” reaction. He saw it as senseless violence, whereas he always had a reason to react that way to me.

He didn’t see himself as an abuser despite doing exactly the same violent behaviors depicted, so he either didn’t react or said that abusers like that were awful people and he would never abuse anyone. It certainly didn’t stop the abuse or cause him any self-reflection.

When my ex-husband did see an Ad he would say something like “she probably deserved it.” He would go on about how men can be victims too but the “mass media” ignores this, and how everything is controlled by feminism. He was very much into MGTWO and Red Pill….

It’s not necessarily TV ads but we do watch a lot of The First 48. Whenever it happens to be a domestic issue or someone gets choked or stalked, it’s like nothing. I pay attention to see if there’s any reaction & nothing. He can be sad for the victim but he won’t react otherwise. It’s like nothing ever happened.

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