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How does one humanely kill a mouse that’s stuck on a glue trap?

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How does one humanely kill a mouse that’s stuck on a glue trap?

Ed ecco le risposte:

We used glue traps once when we had a mouse problem years back. Got rid of them for the classic mouse trap after one morning found just ripped off legs left in the glue and 20 feet away a dead bloody mouse. It tried to escape so hard it ripped its own fucking legs off. Must have been horrible. The classic mouse trap is the best way to go. Quick and relatively painless for them.

It’s messy, but just whacking it with a shovel is the best option. Humane and clean don’t really go together.

Glue traps are cruel.

I have freed a mouse from a glue trap before…if you can take it a few miles from your house so it doesn’t come back it’s pretty easy. You’ll need rubber gloves, some q-tips, preferably long ones and vegetable oil. Pour the vegetable oil on its feet and slowly and carefully separate them from the trap.

Twat it with a shovel.