Domande di Internet

How has your body failed you as you’ve gotten older?

It takes me longer to masturbate 🙁

Finally able to grow a beard, and it’s turning gray

Chronic back pain. Though it’s mostly posture-related, so maybe that’s more how I failed my body

My mental health. I thought as I got closer to 30, things would even out but so far at 28 it’s not lookin too hot. It would be really nice if my brain started producing its own damn neurotransmitters but noooo

Turns out if you’re already photosensitive, it’s only going to get worse the older you get. I’d never been able to get a proper “sun tan” a day in my life, so around 16 I stopped trying. I’m now approaching 40 years old and already had two skin cancer screenings that involved pieces of my skin being cut out of me.

Wear your fucking sunscreen.