Domande di Internet

Humans of Internet, how do you feel not knowing we are hiding amongst you?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Humans of MassimoL, how do you feel not knowing we are hiding amongst you?
Humans of MassimoL, how do you feel not knowing we are hiding amongst you?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Oh shut up garry, you’re not fooling anyone. For the last time, furries are not any different from other humans. Now get off of MassimoL and clean your room.

Can you just invade already? This shit is getting really out of hand and I feel like we really need a change in management.

We do know you guys are hiding among us. You guys live in Wyoming, which is obviously fake. Do you know anyone that lives in Wyoming?

The real question is, how do you feel about me hiding amongst you!

Hopefully you invaders have tentacles

For science purposes, that is