Domande di Internet

“ick” is usually a term used by girls on sm, but what legitimately gave you the “ick” with a girl?

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For me it was her being completely oblivious towards asking her out, even after pretty much flirting for a good while beforehand, still not sure if it was on purpose or not – completely lost interest after that

Ed ecco le risposte:

“If you can’t handle me at my worst” – kind of girls.

Always drama, and i just want to chill and vibe with people.

She came over for three days, and didn’t shower or brush her teeth at all. Considering it was rather hot and we were very “active”, last day it was just gross. When I asked about it, she said that she showers once a week at MOST, usually less often. I mean, I get one or two days, but come on.

Not just women, but people who are seemingly afraid of silence. You don’t have to talk just because nobody is talking right this second. You’re making it exhausting just to be around you.

When they start rattling off a requirement list a mile long while being mediocre themselves at best.

In college, there was a girl who was really into me. She was a good person, but I admittedly wasn’t that into her. She showed up at my apartment one day unannounced. She came in, we sat on my couch and chatted. She asked me to kiss her… I figured, “Why not?” so I did. I was expecting just a quick peck on the lips, but she grabbed my face and lunged her tongue down my throat. That was ick enough, but her tongue… it was like really rough feeling… not smooth at all. I was pretty grossed out. I must’ve kept my composure, though, because she was all smiles afterward.

I avoided her after that as best as I could, but we did have a class together. When I started dating someone a couple of months later, she made all sorts of snarky comments in class towards me anytime I spoke.

astrology girls. i mean, if you believe in astrology it’s fine but if your whole personality is that you believe in astrology and base every action on it, then it’s wack.

Using a barrage of Tiktok words and sentences

“Bombastic side-eye”, “Purr”, “Yes queen”, “It’s giving”

Just ew