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How do I (35M) tell my wife (33F) her favorite shorts are atrocious?

Diasies_inMyHair ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa:

My wife of 11 years recently bought a pair of sweat shorts that are the most unflattering pair of shorts she’s ever owned. They have super wide leg openings and a saggy butt and she wears them high waisted so she frequently has wedgies in them. My baby got back, but these shorts are like granny panties.

I know she feels comfortable in them and they’re great for lounging around the house. But recently she’s started to wear them out in public almost daily. I’ve made a few subtle comments to try and dissuade her from wearing them in public, but she was clearly bothered by those comments, so I haven’t said anything since.

It’s been a few months now since she purchased her first pair, and I thought eventually she would wear them out and get rid of them, but instead she’s doubled down and bought 3 MORE PAIRS. She wears them everywhere now. I don’t think she knows how unflattering they look. I feel like I need to tell her before she replaces her whole wardrobe that those shorts should not be worn in public, but not sure if I should, or how to do it… any advice?

As someone who has been married awhile, let me assure you that this is an incredibly stupid hill to choose to die on.

As a fellow hideous shorts wearer, I can assure you that you’re wasting your energy. I had the same hideous short trajectory. It started with one pair. Now I have DAILY hideous shorts. Acceptance is the only way, my dude.

I’m a late thirties lady. When I hit around 30, my “give a fuck” broke. I started worrying less about what people thought of my image and spending more time loving myself. That doesn’t mean I put in no effort, but I made changes like going to run a few errands without putting on any makeup, whereas before I wouldn’t have left the house without at least some coverup and mascara. That sort of thing. I haven’t given up and gone to a place of zero effort, but I’m not so focused on worrying that someone else may not like what they see. I also wear what is comfortable, like big full bum underwear with my jeans, rather than something uncomfortable just so that other people don’t see a panty line and discover that GASP, I wear underwear.

It sounds like generally speaking your wife wears flattering clothes. Only these shorts have been a problem for you. And that’s just it, she’s not wearing them for you or anyone else. She’s comfortable and she clearly likes them. Now if she was asking you if they are flattering, that’s one thing, but it doesn’t sound like she’s asked. She either confident she looks great (and confidence is sexy as hell) or she doesn’t care if you or anyone else thinks they flatter her body.

Leave it alone, my dude. Let her enjoy her shorts.

Look I’m going to get slaughtered in comments but let this older cough woman clue you in.

Yes your wife will tell you when something doesn’t look good on you. You’ve let her know how you feel once, your done saying anything without serious consequences. Now her lady friends should let her know they are unflattering and they probably have.

What that means is that she loves how comfortable they are. I have work (paramedic) pants with tons of pockets that are the same. Far from flattering but great for walking dogs and working in the yard. I have 8 pairs.

Here’s the thing, you should be flattered. Do you know why? She doesn’t care what she looks like in those shorts because she’s not looking for attention. She’s already got you. What does she need someone else for? So next time she wears those shorts give her a kiss. She loves you.

If she’s bought four pairs she loves them and is happy in them. Do you want your wife to feel happy in her clothes? Yes, right? Don’t say anything. Enjoy your wife feeling hot and comfy in her clothes.

That’s your opinion, they are probably really comfy.

Your wife’s shorts are the same thing as people wearing crocs in public. They’re well aware it’s not the best look, but they don’t care as long as they’re comfortable.

You’ve made your comments. Now leave her alone. Sometimes, it is more than worth it to sacrifice looks for comfort.