Domande di Internet

If guys started hiding their nips the way women did, do you think eventually women would get conditioned to be sexually aroused by male breasts? Why and why not?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: If guys started hiding their nips the way women did, do you think eventually women would get conditioned to be sexually aroused by male breasts? Why and why not?
If guys started hiding their nips the way women did, do you think eventually women would get conditioned to be sexually aroused by male breasts? Why and why not?

Ed ecco le risposte:

You guys aren’t hiding your nips?

I’m already aroused by male nipples.

I feel like many heterosexual/bisexual women are already turned on by a set of nice pecs. So I’m not totally sure this isn’t already a thing.

People were fawning over Hanzo’s exposed tiddy when Overwatch came out, so it just depends on the audience. Also depends on how nice they look in the first place.

I think that they are already aroused by male breasts, even without hiding them.