Domande di Internet

Job recruiters of Internet, why do you guys post jobs that are entry level but state minimum 5 years of experience required?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Job recruiters of MassimoL, why do you guys post jobs that are entry level but state minimum 5 years of experience required?
Job recruiters of MassimoL, why do you guys post jobs that are entry level but state minimum 5 years of experience required?

Ed ecco le risposte:

I like the jobs that require a 4 year degree that pay a few dollars more than minimum wage.

Not a job recruiter, but I asked my friend who is. She told me that the minimum requirements aren’t always requirements, but they’re used to deter less qualified people from applying.

The requirements they post are what the ideal candidate looks like to them. For some positions, you could have 50% of the requirements and still potentially be selected depending on what the other candidates look like.

Also one thing to add, any education within that field can be considered years of experience, so five years could be a bachelors degree and maybe some internships.

As a ChemE graduate (bachelors) who is still struggling to find a job, I hate that shit but I apply anyways because why not? Any advice? Anything would help

Had been told by ex recruiters that some listings were fake just to gather the CVs of qualified people for future opportunities. lil cynical. Post Covid, i have seen similar but they were called a “registration of interest”

Can’t speak to other businesses, but when I’m hiring guys for my team it’s pretty rare that I write the ad. It’s usually somebody in HR who doesn’t do my job. They write stuff like “minimum of 3 years experience in a similar role”. We tell them its dumb but they insist, despite the fact that anybody with 3 years that’s still applying for the place I work (solid mid tier) has something going on.

I hire somebody with like 3 months experience or a few months similar experience because I don’t really give a fuck and my job is not rocket science, and they tell me I’m taking a chance. Their boss, who is the head HR person, doesn’t care and knows I know my stuff.

It’s a weird cycle nobody really understands, but at its core, HR are HR. They have their skills, I have mine. I’m good at recognizing others with those skills; they’re just trying to line up candidates who probably have them to make my life easier.