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People who can express themselves clearly and make themselves understood whenever you open your mouth: How the hell do you do that?

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People who can express themselves clearly and make themselves understood whenever you open your mouth: How the hell do you do that?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Explain something the way you would want it explained to you.

Practice. Arguments help as well. Debating skills are actually quite useful in being able to articulate what you’re feeling into actual words. It’s not uncommon for even well spoken people to fall apart when they are under pressure. They can think of what to say before and after but when they’re under the gun they can’t spit it out.

Practice makes perfect.

Read. A lot. It gives people a much better command of language and a broader library of ideas to draw from when expressing their own thoughts.

On the other hand, as Steve Martin said, “Some people have a way with words. Other people…not have way.”

Confidence. Also I took a public speaking class but if you’re not a confident person, it’s hard. I had to work on that first

Think before you speak.