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Many people dislike the sound of their own voice in recordings, why is that?

I dislike a lot of things about myself

I’m greatly convinced that I sound good when I’m speaking, but when I try recording my voice and got a good listen to it, I automatically feel like I don’t wanna talk anymore haha well I guess that’s that

A recording doesn’t have the same (unheard) low frequency sound waves a voice. So you’re hearing a higher sounding version of your voice

We sound different to ourselves since the voice is coming from inside us so it’s foreign to hear it from an external source. Kind of like how you don’t like how you look in a picture because we mostly see ourselves in mirror reflections. Then the picture isn’t mirror-imaged so your hair part is on a different side and any freckles or stuff looks like it’s on the wrong side to you.

When you hear yourself normally, you hear yourself from the inside as well as the outside, and you grow up listening to this voice. However, when you record your voice, you only hear it from the outside, which makes it sound different to you, and many people don’t like that. Hence the reason many people hate their own voice in recordings.

Same reason for reflections and pictures of someone. You can’t and won’t ever look at yourself in person, only in reflections and pictures. Now, when you look at your reflection in a mirror, it appears laterally inversed, i.e. your left becomes right and vice versa. But when you take a picture of yourself, it is not the same as a reflection, hence it appears very different. So people do not like photos taken of themselves and rather prefer reflections. You probably won’t see someone doing makeup by looking at themselves with a selfie stick, but you’ll see them looking at themselves in a mirror.

TL;DR: normal voice: hear from both inside and outside
recorded voice: hear from outside only so bad