Domande di Internet

Men who have Masturbated on camera while skipping through people on Omegle… Why? What was the thought process behind it?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta ai ragazzi. Men who have Masturbated on camera while skipping through people on Omegle… Why? What was the thought process behind it?

Ed ecco le risposte:

As much as I want to hear answers to this question, I feel like the guys who do that aren’t the type to speak up about it

It’s like the online trenchcoat flasher.

I did this when I was 12 or 13. I thought that was normal for omegle at the time cause every third person had a dick in their hands so my dumbass 12 year old decided to do it. Now that I am older I realize it was basically child pornography.

I like to through Omegle until I found a girl when I was on College. Usually it will take up to 50 dicks or an hour.

Alright I’ll bite, since not a single person here wants to admit to even the thought process. I have NOT done this before, but I’ve considered it a few times and I understand the appeal (even though I recognize it’s scummy and pointless, and gross). My thought process was “I’d like to jerk off in a bit anyway and on the off chance some girl likes it, that’d be cool”. It’s gambling in a way, as well as there’s just kind of not a lot to lose “besides self respect” or whatever.

Again, I haven’t done it before, but I do understand why some guys do. It’s low effort, “possible” high reward, and not much to lose. And it’s gambling on that.