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Desiderio: I wish that only people under 5ft could legally carry fire arms

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Gun-nut0508: I wish that only people under 5ft could legally carry fire arms
I wish that only people under 5ft could legally carry fire arms

Ed ecco le possibili conseguenze:

Granted. Children can now legally carry firearms. Gun-related deaths and injuries are now on an all time high.

granted, but now you’ve started a midget riot and all short people have turned against all the tall people

Granted. Armies begin recruiting only either very short adults or children, with most, due to the balance of numbers, picking the latter. Your wish has just sent a new generation of the young off to be culled, to be slaughtered and to be traumatised. You denied these children a childhood and their innocence, sending them off to die.

All just to imagine short people with guns.

Granted, but I’ve never met anyone with more than two feet


Midget gangs are now running rampant and cops cant fight back because they arent armed.

We are all now forced to work in tall mines.