Domande di Internet

Parents of Internet, when did you realise that it wasn’t teenage hormones, your kid is a legitimate butthole?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Parents of MassimoL, when did you realise that it wasn’t teenage hormones, your kid is a legitimate butthole?
Parents of MassimoL, when did you realise that it wasn’t teenage hormones, your kid is a legitimate butthole?

Ed ecco le risposte:

I’m not a parent but my sister is 26 and my mom still hasn’t figured it out.

Not a parent, but I raised my younger brother.

My parents swore he “would become a good kid” as he got older. But, of course, I knew otherwise. He used to cut me for fun (leaving scars that I still have as an adult), shatter dishes and blame it on me, etc. and now as a 17 year old (he started his extremely poor habits at 15), he has been suspended and then eventually expelled from school, gotten busted for alcohol/drug/tobacco use, dropped out of classes and failed others, stolen vehicles and driven illegally, snuck out of the house, been fired from the only two jobs he’s ever had, etc. and he’s just honest to god a genuine asshole. He has tried to physically harm both myself and my parents (as recently as this year) while tripping on acid. My dad is now convinced that he will be imprisoned by the time he’s 20. I hope he turns himself around, but he’s one of the few people in this world that I personally know who just completely lacks empathy. He does not give a single care about himself or anyone else and drains the life out of everyone around him.

Excuse me while i snort a line of birth control

You don’t have to wait till they are teenagers my three year old is an ass, shhhh mum your bad at singing, shut up dad, Im the boss, I don’t have to listen to you. Throws toys at you, kicks, bites, runs away He also lies he’s ass off today he said I threw him on the ground (I sat him in time out) and apparently his dad pushed over the ottoman and told him he wasn’t allowed to help ( his dad was asking him to help put story books away but bubs didn’t want to, I was ready to rain fire on my husband till MIL said bubs never went all the way upstairs he just sat near the top for a second and came back)

Can’t even take him to a store last Time I went grocery shopping he took a chocolate bar from a shelf and bit into it right through the wrapper. I had to buy it. Not to mention the most embarrassing situation the time prior

All kids are buttholes not just teenagers.

Edit: all discipline (time out , toys removed, tv gone, ECT) is met with laughter to him it’s hilarious so far only thing that gets him to behave slightly better is pretend calling Santa (good thing he works year round making sure naughty or nice)

Hilarious. Meet a five year old. Mines an absolute monster and he knows it.