Domande di Internet

People of Internet, what is the dumbest thing someone has said defending their political ideology?

When I proved someone irrefutably wrong about some political opinion he held, he just sat back and said “well, it’s my truth and that’s what I choose to believe.”

I don’t know, go to r/politics and you’ll find plenty of those.

“You can’t judge me because its just my opinion.”

Of fucking course I can judge you on your subjective opinion. What I can’t judge you on is objective fact.

They switched the argument from the actual issue to “What ethnicity are you?” Arguing that my opinion is invalid because of my skin color, smh

do the gays count as a political subject? whatever, they do now. Asked my sister why she was homophobic but shipped so many cannon and non-cannon mlm ships. Said all the ships were fictional but it’s wrong in real life. go figure.