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People who refuse to wear masks during the pandemic, why?

Because they are assholes.

Doctor here… there is no valid reason. They’re just shit heads who should not be allowed to receive medical care if they get it.

Patients have asked for an exemption letter. I say no. If they’re so “ill” that wearing a mask restricts their ability to breath then they shouldn’t leave the house at all. I have COPD patients who don’t quite yet need oxygen all the time yet have no difference in breathing / oxygen saturation with a mask on.

We refuse entry to any of our offices for people who won’t wear a mask. They can seek care elsewhere or via telehealth visit.

Live in Trump country. Far more afraid of being mocked by everyone for advertising my recognition of science than I am of covid. I’ll inevitably get it as soon as it hits the food bank anyways, where we all stand in long lines around people who refuse to distance or mask. Most of these people are already sick, elderly, or both. Maybe the lines will get shorter when they start dropping and I won’t have to wait as many hours outside in the freezing cold for half-expired chow.

Also, I don’t care who I kill if I get it. Maybe, if I’m real lucky, it’ll kill me.

As Mr. Muffin said in asdf movie: “I just wanna die!”

Because some men just want to watch the world burn.