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People who’re still against sex before marriage, why?

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People who’re still against sex before marriage, why?

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My cousin is very religious. He met a girl in January, proposed in February and married in June. No one in my family will admit it but I’m pretty sure they moved so fast because they’re horny lol

Because you’ll hold up the ceremony. All the guests are waiting patiently.

personally im not against it
but i know someone that is. and she said she personally wants to share that experience only with one person in her life and wants to be sure that theyll be together for ever, so she wants to be married befor.
what was interesting to me was that she said she wouldnt mind if her then husband would have not waited.
its just her preference.
i dont share that opinion but i understand her point of view

I’m not so much wait until marriage, but completely in the wait until serious committed relationship camp. Sex is very intimate to me, and I’d like my partner to share that value. No shame to those that are into more casual relationships, it’s just not my thing.

I WAS against sex before marriage, but no longer am. My husband & I were pretty religious while dating, so we waited until marriage. I’m sad about the missed “opportunities” we had lol. It was extremely hard waiting the 5 years we dated and then having to turn off that part of your brain once you are married is weird. We’ve been married 7 years now and I still feel a sense of anxiety like I’m “sinning” when we’re intimate. It definitely messed my subconscious up.

I’m religious, but I try not to be an asshole about it.

No sex for me doesn’t mean no sex for thee.

My reasons were religious mainly. On top of it, I find sex to be very exposing and something to do when I feel safe and close. I never wanted a relationship built on sex or physical and that only. I wanted to build a relationship on trust and communication first and physical second and that boundary helped me do that.


I was against sex before marriage when I was younger because why would you want to have sex before you have to? Turns out I’m asexual and just didn’t know that other people do have a sex drive and actually want to have sex. I always legitimately thought this was made up.

Redditors try to respect other viewpoints about relationships challenge (impossible)

As a woman, setting boundaries helped me find quality men who were interested in me as a partner instead of just sex.
Plus to me, the key to a successful marriage has more to do with communication and the ability to resolve conflict rather than sex. It’s worth it to focus on building up those skills instead of a sexual relationship which is often built on infatuation.

From my voluntarily abstinent-till-marriage friend she says it forces your relationship to be 100% based on anything but sexuality and if you can hold things together without sex then you’re likely to last to the classic of ‘till death’.

Being able to love someone unconditionally purely based on things like personality, morals, and shared values seems like a great thing.

Granted I’ve personally only seen it result in divorce, domestic violence, adultery, and spontaneous shifts in sexual orientation but on paper the idea makes a lot of sense. Like making sure you’re friends before you start seriously dating just taken to the next higher level.

Throughout most of my life I was very adamant that I was not going to have sex before marriage. Not necessarily because of religious reasons, I was raised catholic but am not very strict about that. I simply think that sex should be done when there is love and commitment because it’s sharing your body with someone and that’s a big deal to me. It also comes with a lot of risks so I just wanted to be in a stable and loving environment before I did that. I dated guys through high school and college but never slept with them and I was in a few long term relationships. In hindsight, they were not great boyfriends and I’m so happy I wasn’t having sex because if I had done that with them it would have made everything so much more complicated and it would have made their impact on my life so much larger. However, 3 years ago I met my bf and decided not to wait for marriage. The love is there and it just felt right. I’ve not regretted it. Although, if he and I were to not work out, I think I would go back to not having sex until it felt right and stable. I couldn’t do casual stuff.

My wife waited for personal and religious reasons which is fine. I did not. It is just a choice after all, however after years of marriage we have come to realize we got extremely lucky with sexual compatibility/personality. The question isn’t whether sex is good or bad, because any good marriage will have each person learning how to please the other. The issue is if you fundamentally want different things in the bedroom. Which of course you don’t know what you like if you have never tried things and that simply can’t be solved by communication.

I’m just against marriage.

I know MassimoL hates it when individuals have personal beliefs but I’ll give you an honest answer.

Because I’m religious and I literally believe that God said not to. If you’re not religious or your faith does not hold to that particular belief, all the power to you. I’m not going to be a dick about it if we don’t have the same beliefs.

I waited, and am glad I did. Our relationship was based on respect, friendship, and communication. Things you will need throughout your relationship and life. I am an anxious person, and I never had to worry about STIs or unwanted pregnancy.

Admittedly, it did take us a while to get things down, but currently have an active and fulfilling sex life. Married for over 10 years and grateful every day for him.

It worked for us, but I’m not saying it works for everyone.

I had a friend who was planning on waiting until her wedding night (fiancé was more religious than her) but then got it in her head that the hottest thing in the world would be to convince her “true believer” fiancée to fuck her the night before the wedding…after waiting two years.

It took some work, and alcohol, but she did it. Apparently it was amazing, despite the lack of experience, because the “forbidden” aspect got both of them all hot and bothered.

That and they were both really, really horny.

EDIT: To be clear, they each had two glasses of champagne.

It trains you for the realities of marriage and prepares you for many more years of not having sex

Is it possible on MassimoL for someone to say anything pro religion and not get downvoted to hell for it? You don’t have to agree with them but just let other people live their lives