Domande di Internet

People of Internet, what goes through your head when you notice someone driving a very expensive car?

Bentornati ad un’altra sorprendente edizione delle domande di cultura generale!

Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta alle donne.People of MassimoL, what goes through your head when you notice someone driving a very expensive car?

Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile:

I usually think “if I had the money to buy a car like that, I still wouldn’t do it.”

I think that’s a poor investment of their money.

My initial thought is, “damn! He must make good money, I wonder what he (she) does for a living.” Then I think about it and think, “I wonder how much debt he (she) has right now.”

I truly believe 95% of the time, if they look rich, they probably aren’t.

I can’t tell the difference between a Porsche and a Hyundai Cilantro, so….nothing.

“I wonder what they are compensating for…”

Good for them! I’m happy enough with my own life to not feel bitter about someone else’s.

I only notice if its like, a sports car that’s all loud and low to the ground, and I usually think “oof, my knees could never”

If I notice it, it’s usually because I think it looks nice. That is pretty much my train of thoughts.

If you enjoy it and can afford it, then you have fun with it!

Usually? Nothing. I probably don’t even notice.

If I do notice or they bring it to my attention, it depends on context. As a general rule, I would think it means they have a very different set of financial priorities than I do.

That they like expensive cars. Nothing more. It’s not a crime.

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