Mini Guide

Consiglio: Request: How to get your neighbors dog to shut up

Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile:

I live on a street in town where the houses are fairly close together. The neighbor who lives directly beside me have a dog that barked a lot when he was a puppy so I gave them some patience as they were in the process of training him through puppy-hood. Until I realized they'd be sitting outside staring at their phones as the dog barked at everyone walking by. I quickly realized they didn't care. So I called by-law and I noticed the owners were becoming slightly more responsive to the barking. Problem solved.

As of a few months ago I noticed they got a new puppy. So now they have 2 dogs, the puppy starts barking and it sets the older dog off. They now both bark at everyone going by. Before people start saying “go talk to your neighbors and let them know it's annoying” yada yada that's easier to say than to actually do it, so please none of that advice. The neighbors to be honest scare me a bit, I don't want to get into details but I have seen some things in their backyard that make me a bit nervous around them, police presence, phone calls using a lot of profanity etc. I don't believe speaking to them would do much good.

I've put in another complaint to by-law in hopes this gets resolved, but in case it doesn't please pass on your tips. I can no longer enjoy my backyard without hearing dogs barking non-stop. I've thought about writing an anonymous letter but I'm 90% sure they would know it was me. Please help!