Domande di Internet

Sailors of Internet, what is one of the strangest things you’ve seen at sea?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Sailors of MassimoL, what is one of the strangest things you’ve seen at sea?
Sailors of MassimoL, what is one of the strangest things you’ve seen at sea?

Ed ecco le risposte:

The first time you see a large sea turtle is kinda strange they look like floating boulders.

But the sea for as strange as it is is an amazing place as well seeing a flying fish or looking in the water and seeing fish as far as you can see is incredible.

I saw this quote on one of these once: “The sea gives and takes in equal measure”

A dolphin swimming with a sponge in his mouth.

The crew member I was with asked if I knew why the dolphin has a sponge in his mouth. I didn’t know, of course. He said because dolphins have no hands.

I’m not a sailor but one time I went on a glass bottom boat tour. The captain accidentally went the wrong way to come back in and took us out to sea. There were maybe 60 people staring down threw the glass bottom in a 3 foot swells. Didn’t take long before people starting throwing up. Id say about 40 people puked on the glass. It was a nightmare. Barf sloshing around. Everyone moaning, kids crying, women screaming. It was fucking terrifying and disgusting. It was traumatic. I’ll always remember that

Seamen jumping overboard to capture their dinghy which somehow got away from the ship.

During ww2 my Dad, a wireless operator on a minesweeper, passed by a German pilot, waving frantically from his still floating aircraft in the North Atlantic. They were under strict orders not to stop because of the danger of Subs. So they left the poor guy to certain death.

My Dad died a couple of years ago, but this incident haunted him throughout his life. He wept about it even in his last few hours. (Edited for my stupid grammar)