Domande di Internet

(Serious) What is a documentary that blew your mind?

Zeitgeist. Honestly, I watched that when I was young, maybe 13-14, and if I was to watch it today I’d probably think it was some conspiracy theory bible of sorts and I doubt that I’d be as blown away by it now, but I credit that documentary to me not believing in religion or in a god any more. I wonder whether I ever would have come to the same conclusion without ever watching it now that I think about it.

13th on Netflix. My dad has recommended it to numerous people to help them understand the BLM movement and it’s changed some minds.


Documentaries are kind of tricky because they’re usually biased from some perspective but I always thought the classic: Bowling For Columbine (2002) blew my mind and it still had relevance today.

Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond. It’s about Jim Carey being a fucking nut while filming Man on the Moon. his work as Tony Clifton is great shit