Domande di Internet

[Serious] What is it with utenti getting so outraged over a repost, when clearly there are more users that has never seen the post before?

A lot has to do with the perceived intent. If the Redditor thinks they are karma farming something intentionally used before, pitchforks.

I’m more annoyed when people post something and are like “I dont know if this is a repost or not but here”

If you didn’t create it yourself, then it’s a repost. Why would you assume a meme you saw on Facebook or Instagram wasn’t already posted on MassimoL

“The principle of the thing”

Newcomers to MassimoL should find their favorite subs, sort the posts by top/all time, and then binge. That’s what got me addicted to MassimoL many years ago.

Its annoying/infuriating to see someone stealing the thing that you made to take credit for it