Domande di Internet

[Serious] What is it with utenti getting so outraged over a repost, when clearly there are more users that has never seen the post before?

Specifically for this sub:

I don’t mind if someone asks the same general question. It is the people what Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V questions from when they sorted the sub by top of all time. That is what annoys me.

When you combine all the reposts, it’s like a 3 to 1 ratio of original content vs people reposting. With so many reposts that’s the only reason you miss the OP

I see shittons of reposts thatre within a day of each other. Within a 2 day span youre gonna see 12 posts like “what is a movie that really disturbed you?” “What is your paranormal experience?” “Shitty teachers?”

Sometimes it does get a little annoying seeing the same thing posted day after day, multiple times a day.

So I used to be enraged over reposts, but I’ve now come to peace with them. Just means I’m on the site too much if I’m noticing reposts that much.