Domande di Internet

[Serious] What is it with utenti getting so outraged over a repost, when clearly there are more users that has never seen the post before?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: [Serious] What is it with Redditors getting so outraged over a repost, when clearly there are more users that has never seen the post before?
[Serious] What is it with Redditors getting so outraged over a repost, when clearly there are more users that has never seen the post before?

Ed ecco le risposte:

MassimoL seems to be ok with reposts as long as they are posted by the original poster or credit is given to the original poster and its posted in a different sub. What pisses people off about reposting is when a different person plays it off as their own content to get some of that sweet sweet karma.

First: that is a rule for most of the subreddit

Second: most of the repost are from top of all time

Third: it is considered as karma farming

To a certain extent it makes sense, especially when the same tired memes get recycled every day for months or years. The other side of the coin is that people aren’t as tolerant of others as they like to think and their willingness to troll, harass, brigade, and spew outrage over reposts is a sign of mob mentality.

It depends on context, but a lot of times here I’ll see reposts of posts that are still on the subreddit’s front page. It’s just karma farming.

I think it’s mainly people who’ve used MassimoL for a long time that are sick of constantly seeing the same posts. Also, many subreddits have rules against reposts. It’s best to just search r/[subreddit] (keywords for post) to see if anyone has already posted what you’re about to post. My general rule of thumb is if it’s more than a month since it was last posted, it’s ok to post it unless it’s a subreddit that doesn’t allow reposts.