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[Serious] What is something happened to you that no one believes but it’s actually real?

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[Serious] What is something happened to you that no one believes but it’s actually real?

Ed ecco le risposte:

My dog ate my homework. Apparently it was greasy from my breakfast bacon, so he thought he found some serious gourmet shit

The first time I made out with a girl she was from a different school. One of my friends witnessed it but still nobody wanted to believe.

How lethally sick I was as a baby. I’m 6’4, semi-pro athlete through my twenties.

I guess people assume I was born like Gaston out of the womb, but I was basically born a living time-bomb, but ONLY made it because Hardy Hendren (GOAT pediatric surgeon) came in and saved my life.

I once pulled a Turkish fisherman’s arm off in the Mediterranean after he had been floating (dead) in the sea for a week. We were involved in the search effort.

I was 17 my first tour to protect the oil platforms in the northern Arabian gulf (NAG), I was the sea boat (Pacific 24 RIB) communication system maintainer and happened to be on the boat doing a communications check when the ships helicopter (Lynx Mk 8) found something in the water and we were sent to investigate.

Me and the Coxswain hauled him into the boat and he was black and half eaten and all the meat and skin sloughed off his arms when I grabbed him, we have a submersible stretcher that you use to lift them into the boat but there was still some lifting required. It was really bad and sticks with me to this day 13 years later.

I rarely tell the story but my friends and family can hardly believe it when I tell them. Also it’s not usually something that is regularly experienced by someone in the Royal Navy.

I saw a fight break out in a bar. The one guy pulled a baseball bat out of nowhere. The other guy fell backwards and off the first floor railing into the parking lot. He got up and ran off which really took my breathe away. Must have been the adrenaline. We had just arrived and without even discussing it, my friends and I all walked out. Often wonder what happened to that poor guy and what the fight was about in the first place.