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Someone hands you $100,000 and says, “You know what to do.” What are you doing?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Someone hands you $100,000 and says, “You know what to do.” What are you doing?
Someone hands you $100,000 and says, “You know what to do.” What are you doing?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Running away lol

Reporting it to the cops that some rando just gave me $5,000 and it feels sketchy…

I’d reply: “Operation Valkyrie is in effect.”

Begin lubing my anus.

I aint gay but 100K is a 100K. I start knobbin.

thank the guy first.

Stick it in the Vanguard S&P 500 index tracker fund and let it ride for a few decades and celebrate the huge jump I just got on retirement saving.

Blow it all on hats.

Pay off my debts, that leaves me with about $85k for savings. Not touching that.

Add $1, and give it to the next person saying “You know what to do” and run away.

Close the briefcase. Look into his eyes. Slow nod, straight face. Walk away without saying a word.

Get home. Panic. Stash money. Change banks. Move. Might have to cut off ties to family.

wake up from my dream

“Execute Order 66”

Paying off my medical debt

Telling my wife someone just gave me $50k

0.2 chicks at the same time!

Pay off loans 😞 (my sad reality comes in the way of fantasy)

“Uh…what am I supposed to do?”

“No really I have no clue what you want me to do with this.”

Hookers and cocaine

Changing it into a million pennies, filling a vault, and diving into it like Scrooge McDuck