Domande di Internet

What are your little joys in life?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What are your little joys in life?
What are your little joys in life?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Finally getting that little piece of food out that’s been stuck in your teeth for hours

I have two actually……The ones on my ps4 controller

I feel happiness when I eat a potato.

I wake up at 6: 00 am before my wife and 6mo old son. The house is dark and silent. I pour a cup of coffee and sit down on the couch. The moment that first sip hits my lips…

I’m not dad yet. I’m not husband yet. I’m just me in that moment, without a care in the world. I’ll add that I adore my family, but that one moment each day is a nice little breath of fresh air.

When it’s cold in your room but perfect temperature under the covers and you’re spending the entire day snoozing in bed.