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What celebrity have you met that was surprisingly nice/rude?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What celebrity have you met that was surprisingly nice/rude?
What celebrity have you met that was surprisingly nice/rude?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Will Smith

Worked a private event for him a couple years back. He made sure to thank each and every employee when he arrived and before he left. He had the best manners and was in such a jovial mood, joking around with the staff. Great guy.

I served Piers Morgan as a waiter and he was unbelievably polite, which maybe some people would find surprising

I work in the film industry.

Weird Al is insanely fucking nice. Like, you ask him for a photo and he’ll make a 10 second video for your dad nice.

Dave Grohl as is awesome as you would expect.

Back when they were filming Lord of the Rings all the hobbits: Elijah Wood (Frodo Baggins), Sean Astin (Samwise Gamgee), Billy Boyd (Peregrin Took), and Dominic Monaghan (Meriadoc Brandybuck), came into my mom’s video store and wanted to rent all of Peter Jacksons movies. They were so excited to have a movie marathon I thought it was super cute.