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What happened when you quit your job before finding another one?

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Especially if you worked that job for 5+ years.

Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile:

Felt brave doing it, but shat my pants in the couple months that followed.

I panicked and thought I made a big mistake, but everything worked out fine.

It was a difficult decision to leave, but I had the privilege to be able to take some time to rest and recuperate, then to move into part-time contract/consulting work for a while until I was ready to rejoin the workforce full-time and found a suitable position that would work for me.

I quit my job because I was moving states to be closer to home. I only had enough for about 3 months expenses so I applied for jobs before I even moved to the new city. I got a call the day of the move and they asked me to come in to interview two days later. Got the job after the first interview and started working the following week. I was actually kind of bummed I didn’t really get much time off to relax.

I was at this company just under 10 years. I was fortunate enough to have 6 months salary saved up so the security was there. Obviously did not want to use it since it was going towards a deposit for a place one day, but I decided to put my health first. I was completely burnt out. Luckily after a month I started at a new place and I am over the moon happy!

I have strived to find a job before quitting the first one. Years ago , a company I was working for needed to lay off a few and asked for volunteers. I wasn’t partial to the management’s lack of professionalism and how lackadaisical their company organization was so I didn’t mind leaving. I accepted their severance package and spent about a month looking for another job. In that month, I took advantage of having free time while the rest of the world was at work. Movie theater at noon on a Tuesday, stroll through an empty zoo at 10am on a Thursday. Got all my annual appts out of the way and since it was fall, I got all my holiday gift shopping completed. All while applying and interviewing for a better job with better pay.

i went on a spontaneous 2 week vacation. i did this 3 times. took me a long time to find another job but im young and i had a lot saved. i dont regret leaving jobs that made me want to off myself to go do something i enjoy

It set a fire in my ass to find a new job and I got a new job not by applying but by emailing places I wanted to work. I applied to places as well but the place I got hired at didn’t have any postings for jobs. I emailed every company in my town in the field I was needing and got a job this way in less than a week.

I very rarely have quit a job having a sick work ethic ingrained in me from my father. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my Dad dearly and his generation suffered and sacrificed for us. Now being 58 I realize that being happy, content and mentally well is so important also. I quit two jobs; one after a few days just knowing it was absolutely not my place, the other I stuck out for over a year. This was due to guilt, wanting to appease my partner and not facing my failing mental health. It’s a tough world, we have to work to survive; and surviving is often sacrificing ourselves.

I quit my job because it was taking a huge to on me. Too much stress and literally sucking the joy from my life. I quit one day without knowing that I would and never looked back. It was so difficult for me as it was my career I worked 10+years for. It had me questioning my whole identity. I took 2 weeks to process and worked HARD on self care. Told my fam and friends that I was in a fragile state and couldn’t discuss or here even minor things that would cause any stress (even the news, loud social media videos, etc) I took early morning walks, ate my favorite food, spent time with my pets, played relaxing video games.
Then after two weeks I felt better and stronger and I started to apply for jobs. I found an entry level job in a new field (I wasn’t making any money) and kept up the self care. After 6 months I applied to re-enter my field and have a job I enjoy again.

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