Domande di Internet

What is a totally non-sexual act that men/women do that you find really sexy?

When a girl responds to my sarcasm with better sarcasm

I like a man driving, sitting in the passenger seat watching them, it’s so sexy

Concentration. In any and all forms.

Geek out over something that excites them.

When my man buys me flowers he doesn’t just give them to me he cuts the stems and puts them in a vase. Normally if I’m somewhere else. Then I will go in a room and they will be there, I always arrange flowers so tidy and symmetrical etc.
His look much better in their haphazard way.
He leaves me notes in really random places , which may take a week to find but he patiently waits for me to find them.
He looks at me like I’m his mother fucking world and he is gonna eat me up at any time.

Sexy as fuck!