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What is a totally non-sexual act that men/women do that you find really sexy?

Talk about their passions

When men in a business shirt roll up the sleeves. Their forearms though?? Hot.

I had a guy (white) offer to put a hair net on for me (black) before a volunteer event involving food. He took his time and tucked in all of my braids. It, unexpectedly, felt super intimate. We had a crush on each other so the tension was THICK. I still think about that sometimes and get butterflies. 🤣

When my husband leads me gently with a hand on the small of my back… Meow.

When their laugh is genuine and it’s clear they aren’t pretending to try impressing you.

I’m gonna sound so lame. But everytime my fiancee is happy. She has a beautiful smile and is very funny. When I spend an hour with her it’s like I’m completely charged. But most of all she’s very intelligent. And that to me is incredibly sexy. When we discuss something and she provides new insights, that gets me going