Domande di Internet

What is something sexual that you realized was hotter in fantasy than in reality?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What is something sexual that you realized was hotter in fantasy than in reality?
What is something sexual that you realized was hotter in fantasy than in reality?

Ed ecco le risposte:

shower sex. water does not make for a good lubricant

Car sex. Too little room, hard to maneuver or get comfortable, gets way too hot.

Role play.

It was my ex’s favourite thing to do in bed and at first I was in. It was fun!

But sometimes I just want to be intimate with someone. I don’t want to have to think up a continually sexy narrative on the fly and then act it out in a way that doesn’t spoil the mood.

Sex in the ocean

Sex on the beach, there are places sand definitely should not be.