Domande di Internet

What is your “This person has no idea how the real world works” moment?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What is your “This person has no idea how the real world works” moment?
What is your “This person has no idea how the real world works” moment?

Ed ecco le risposte:

My younger brother getting his first job and being shocked he doesn’t get summer holidays

when my sister had two small children we were talking about when they grow up. Having experience raising my own 3 children I said something like “well you can only do the best you can in raising them and hope that they turn out OK.”

she said “Oh bullshit, MY kids are going to graduate college and make something of themselves.”

both got knocked up right out of high school and neither attended any higher education.

when a girl on the internet said to me “if you want to have nice things you should just work harder, like my parents did. it’s not your fault that your parents are lazy but it will be your fault if you’re lazy when you’re an adult” side note: this girl didn’t know anything about me, i was just talking with someone about ways that the homeless or very poor should be helped in my country. she just assumed that because i was talking about the needs of the poor, she clicked on my page and saw that i was underage and guessed that i don’t have any money.

“I don’t need to study, when I’m older I am going to be a youtuber and I’ll win a lot of money”.
This was said by a girl who was expelled from school to the ethics teacher

Two female friends wanted to go backpacking in the middle-east, saving money by hitch hicking.