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What makes being single worth it?

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What makes being single worth it?

Ed ecco le risposte:

You can do whatever you want, whenever you want, with whoever you want.

Long-time singleton by choice here, I can answer this.

– You go where you want, with whom you want, whenever you want

– You do not have arguments over spending. You spend money on what you want

– If you want to take a holiday somewhere, there’s no argument about where you’re going to go

– Don’t feel like cleaning up the bathroom immediately after you’ve showered/bushed your teeth? Then don’t

– You don’t have to take into consideration what your partner/children want to eat when you’re making dinner

– You have unlimited personal space

– I am 100% in control over what I watch on TV

– I get a big bed to myself

– If you find yourself out of work or with limited work, the financial stress becomes much less because there are no dependents for you to worry about

The flexibility to do whatever you want whenever you want

Peace and quiet x

Hear that?

That’s the sound of me not getting blamed for shit I had nothing to do with.

No in law visits or splitting up holidays

15 years of a relationship $12k debt, 2.5 years single $12k saved. I still can’t figure out how it’s even possible.

Man, honestly? Money. You can focus on yourself and not think for two people.

But lonelyness will come, that’s where you gotta pay attention, because even starving you should not be picking up garbage to eat.

Being single is fun most of the time, but you gotta take care and avoid jumping in the first opportunity for a relationship that appears in your way, be selective, save cash.

No worries of being cheated on 🥰🥰🥰

Don’t want to do something? Don’t do it. Don’t want to go somewhere? Don’t go. Wanna stop watching halfway through the movie? Go ahead. Feel like being alone? Well, this is convenient.

Honestly, as long as you’re not depressed or doing stupid things sexually then singledom is the life.

When you place something, it remains there even after 8 weeks.

Lack of drama.

Not having to sort through the ridiculous amount of assholes out there to find a rare decent person that you are genuinely compatible with. After AH after AH, you start to lose faith in humanity.

It is far easier to keep one person happy than it is to keep two people happy.

Self-Discovery and Independence

The peace. I have fallen in love with loneliness.


More money, more free time, less stress, I travel for work so I don’t have to worry about someone cheating on me (happens a ton in this industry),

Worth it? Isn’t being single the default option?

Good relationship > single > bad relationship