Domande di Internet

what was the moment in your last relationship that made you say “yup, i’m breaking up with you”?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta alle donne.what was the moment in your last relationship that made you say “yup, i’m breaking up with you”?

Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile:

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for example, the last boyfriend i had would neglect me, never do anything for me, blow me off for other people, and sometimes even insult me. but if im honest the thing that really turned it around for me was that he left a dove chocolate wrapper on my floor (when he came to visit me for the first time in weeks). idk why that was the turning point for me. i just had a vision of cleaning up his messes for the rest of time and even though i didn’t break up with him then it definitely set me on that path lmao. that little blue wrapper sitting on my nice clean carpet…i just can’t

The final straw was:

Me: “I need emotional support”

Him “Can’t you get that from your friends?”

He asked if I would be his “plan B”.

BTW, mad props to Alicia for being the girl he was going to cheat on me with if she’d given him the chance. You are the reason we had the conversation that produced this revelation. I have no idea who you are, I’ve never seen you, I’ve never met you. But you saved me. You opened my eyes. Thank you, and thank you even more for snubbing him like the creep that he is lmao

We were on vacation and on our way to get our luggage when they turned to me and said “I’m glad we’re together but damn I bet I’d be just as happy to be with some of the other women around here.”

I didn’t reply and I’d be debating whether to break up anyway but that was the final straw. I still remember their face looking around while saying that.

When I was having massive panic attacks at the idea of going out for lunch, and I decided that it was kinder to him to break up than to make him keep having to deal with me.

I was extremely mentally ill.

i realized i could have the exact same relationship with someone else and be happy. i didn’t need him.

He didn’t like that I was my own person with my own thoughts, feelings, likes and dislikes. He tried to made me into a copy of himself. In the end I dreaded going to his place. Then I knew it was time for us to go seperate ways

She voted for brexit

we did shrooms and i was like holy shit i actually hate this guy

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