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What was your “I came looking for copper but found gold” moment?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What was your “I came looking for copper but found gold” moment?
What was your “I came looking for copper but found gold” moment?

Ed ecco le risposte:

I was in English years ago in 7th grade and I wanted to be funny and get a few people to laugh, so I made a stupid pun (funny to me at the time). Rather than a few people laughing, only one person did, BUT that person became one of my best friends to this day because of that and if that’s not gold then idk what is.

Edit: Thank you so much for my first award! And the pun I made had to do with a picture on the screen of a guy getting hit by a deer in a pickup truck so the pun was “Hey! That guy got rammed!” Thinking of it now makes me feel so cringe, but hey it was 7th grade.

Googling the answer to one homework question and finding a Quizlet with the entire chapter’s solutions.

I went to a dinner at a friends house, she also invited another friend of hers. I came for spaghetti and left with the woman I married.

We crossed 24 years this September.

My dating life was going nowhere.

I installed Tinder, thinking not much of it.

I’m now engaged.

I went on a date with my best friend’s ex-girlfriend, not really expecting anything, but she ended up being amazing and we have been together for 12 years now.

My best friend set this up, the had only dated for like a month in high school and everything was cool there.