Domande di Internet

Whats an NSFW fact about history that we don’t get to hear too often?

Edgar Allan Poe married his 13 year-old cousin when he was 27.

Sarah “Sally” Hemings was an enslaved woman of mixed race owned by President Thomas Jefferson. Multiple lines of evidence indicate that Jefferson had a long-term sexual relationship with Hemings, and historians now broadly agree that he was the father of her six children. Hemings was a half-sister of Jefferson’s wife, Martha Jefferson.

When Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII was taken from Syon Abbey to the Tower of London to prepare for her execution, she sailed in a barge down the River Thames.

She passed under London Bridge, where the severed heads of her alleged lovers Thomas Culpeper and Francis Dereham were waiting for her, displayed on spikes, rotting and picked at by birds.

The unit 731

Hitler only had 1 ball