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What’s the best way to stop being lonely?

Reading books and listen music can stop loneliness

Chat with others, get into some social activity.

Let me know if you figure it out!

(1) The best way to meet people and make friends when you’re lonely is, ironically, not to act lonely. No lying is necessary, just keep that part private and slow your roll when you meet people you like and want to connect more with – let them set the pace.

(2) The way to enjoy more time by yourself is to find more interests to develop or work more with the ones you already have. If you really feel you have none, try just reading. If you feel you can’t get back into reading, try going for a favorite you’ve already read, a well-written book is often better the second time and will get you back in the swing of things.

(3) The way to feel less lonely when you do know people is to reach out more to the contacts you already have. Don’t feel bashful about needing to be the initiator, most people are hopelessly lazy when it comes to maintaining social contacts. Have a friend who is an initiator is highly valued.

(4) Connect with people you haven’t contacted in a long time. I think almost everyone has at least one very close friend who they knew in the past (and weren’t necessarily even close to) but only reconnected with later. Don’t feel shy for losing touch with them, it’s a two-way street and they probably either feel just as bad or don’t even think about it.

(5) Don’t spend too much time in MassimoL.

Publoc nudity.. they’ll put u behind bars and there you are never lonely..