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What’s the dumbest reason you ever got hurt?

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What’s the dumbest reason you ever got hurt?

Ed ecco le risposte:

I cut myself… on my carpet… to this day I still have no idea how it happened

A few years ago I woke up, when to the bathroom, and was wiping my ass when I pull my neck. Still not sure how but it happened I just felt the pull and had an enormous pain.

Went to the doctor who gave me anti-inflammatory injections and had to use a collar for a week and . I used to tell people I fall.

I threw a stick into the sea, wanted the stick back and slice my foot open on some oysters (down to bone)

Age 3 we were visiting my mum’s hometown in England to see relatives when a black wasp or something managed to get in my sock and my mum put the socks on me, it stung me for a good 2 minutes straight and even tho I was so young I will never forget how painful it was and how guilty my mum felt that she didn’t check the sock