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What’s the most interesting revelation you’ve had about the opposite sex?

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What’s the most interesting revelation you’ve had about the opposite sex?

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It’s all fun and games until you put her favorite bra in the dryer, even accidentally.

Shirt buttons are on the other side? But, why?

Edit: wow – crazy response to this post! It’s amazing how we all go about life with something so different and not really even noticed.

Their pants don’t have a waist size and leg length. Just an arbitrary number. The fuck is a size 3?

I learnt on MassimoL that they don’t stick those pad things to themselves 🤯 They stick it to their underwear. I guess it’s obvious in hindsight

As a dude I grew my hair really long and the amount of hair I had to pull outta my butt while showering was shocking. Crazy that so many long haired ladies had been pulling hair out their butts most their lives.

It was decades ago, but until I lived with a woman I had no clue how expensive bras were. I honestly thought they were like underpants — maybe $10 for a three-pack.

They can withstand you lying on top of them

I was 16/17 when I found out periods happen over time, not an instant gush of blood that comes out at some random point over a one week time period.

I blame adverts for panty liners where they poured all the blue liquid out at once.

Nuts move all on their own. Like the skin flexes and shifts and like crawls up and down twitching. I read it on MassimoL, called bullshit and went and inspected the spouse, was very very surprised. I learned it in the last few years, I’m not a young person…

Vaginas are farther down than I expected.

The amount of hair they shed is astounding

That guys don’t talk about their sex life with each other. I grew up watching all these movies where guys were in locker rooms describing their sexual encounters. So I thought all guys did this. I was surprised to find out that they hardly ever do this, and a lot don’t want you discussing it at all with anyone.

Edit: Thanks for the award. Also, my notifications are crying right now.

I think I was a teenager when I realized that my assumption – 95% percent of women think they’re beautiful – was actually the inverse of reality. I have no idea why I thought that was the case, but I did. When I started understanding people’s insecurities about their appearance, men included, it changed the way I interacted with them.

Long winded, bear with me. When I lived with male roommates and would clean the bathroom; yeah everything was always covered in a thin sheer of beard hair which like whatever, price of admission of living with men. But the dust and hair around the base of the toilet was always immune to a broom so I would have to get down and scrub, which again nbd you should be scrubbing your bathroom anyways.
But then I moved in with my girlfriend, and just my girlfriend. I took my first bath, and my cat walked near the base of the toilet and I was like buddy no I haven’t mopped down there yet! And I looked. And it was a little dusty but it didn’t have that sticky gross dust. And I realized. It’s piss splatter. The dust is sticky and caked to the floor because of piss splatter. I felt so stupid for not realizing until that moment and also so grossed out for every time I personally scrubbed my roommates’ piss off the floor.

Edit: I am a girl!! It wasn’t MY piss

I truly thought the hoodies were mine….

Women really want to be found interesting, by someone who isn’t trying to sell them something or get them into bed in the next few hours.

That nothing stands the test of time in a relationship more than kindness. It can’t be faked long term. It’s literally the most important quality in a mate.

That they don’t care much about our flaws like we think

Men don’t care about the size of boobs half as much as I (F) thought they do.

I recently learned that there is apparently a large subsection of women that do not know you CAN NOT flush tampons. I really thought this was common knowledge, as I have seen the signs in every unisex bathroom I have been in that say “Do Not Flush Hygiene Products”.
It seems to me that even if no one told you not to do this, the regular plumbing issues you must encounter would correct the problem on its own. Seems wild to me.