Mini Guide

Consiglio: Don’t work for difficult people. What you will often find is that the work that you do is the simplest part, it’s the office drama, petty politics, and, frankly, mentally disordered co-workers and bosses that are the problem. Make it not your problem and leave.

Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile:

I was working for this female lawyer who skated on the edge of legality, tried to co-opt me into her shenanigans and usually paid me late and not in full. This must be the evil twin because I now work for another female lawyer who is totally drama-free. She is thorough, honest, and pays on time. She has no interest in my personal life, doesn't try to drag me into her own psychodramas, and pulls no shenanigans. I feel like crying actual tears of joy. I have also worked for other companies where they work you to the bone and others where the office intrigues were so exhausting. Working for this particular woman made me realise that I enjoy my job, it's the people around me that were demoralising me. So, if you're in a toxic work environment, leave as soon as possible. The stress is rarely worth it.