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When thanos snapped the infinity gauntlet, he killed half of the life in the universe. Cows and plants are life. So wouldn’t we still be left with the same problem he was trying to solve?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: When thanos snapped the infinity gauntlet, he killed half of the life in the universe. Cows and plants are life. So wouldn’t we still be left with the same problem he was trying to solve?
When thanos snapped the infinity gauntlet, he killed half of the life in the universe. Cows and plants are life. So wouldn’t we still be left with the same problem he was trying to solve?

Ed ecco le risposte:

He a little confused but he got the spirit.

Yes, temporary solution too that fails to address root causes, eventually it would rebuild and repopulate to the same problems

I think when he snapped his fingers he would have to spend a day or two responding to the stone’s questions… Do you want half of all life forms killed? If so, what if there’s a planet with 100 trillion trillion amoebas. Would most casualties be from that planet? Oh you want all planets to lose half? Half what? Total life forms would end up mostly killing single celled organisms and insects with only negligible impact on intelligent species? Oh you want each species to be killed off in halves? Uh.. can you define species? Should I consider pitbulls and Chihuahuas one club or…

He’s Thanos-The Mad Titan, not Thanos-The Well-Thought-Out Titan

My thought was that he may have only been targeting half of sentient life but you might say what if aliens prey on others.