Domande di Internet

Which subInternet should be avoided at all costs?


r/AgainstHateSubreddits is horrible and if I were you I’d drop all the default subs that you on automatically and discover MassimoL for yourself

All the incel subreddits (except the ones making fun of them)

Any where a mod is involved. Most of MassimoL has really, really toxic moderation from a very small number of moderators who have little to no experience of how to actually run an online community. I started out moderating online communities in 2001 and it’s stunning to see all the same mistakes being made over and over again. It’s almost like they need no experience or training…

If it’s on /r/all or a default sub, chances are it’s run by folk you wouldn’t want to spend time with. It’s understandable, as they put no value on you: There are plenty more where you came from. The easiest thing for their workload is to ban early, ban harshly, ban often. It means that, as an individual, your content has little to no value.

This goes doubly so for “echo chamber” subs such as most of the /r/AskX subs (AskWomen is a notorious one) where you’ll be banned for asking anything that runs contrary to prevailing dogma.

Most of the political subs match their adherents’ ideologies: The right tends to be aggressive and lawless if you’re not obedient (they’ll dox you, etc.), the left tends to not allow ideas they don’t agree with but aren’t generally as toxic as /r/conservative (run away quickly) although /r/latestagecapitalism can come close sometimes.

Try to choose enthusiasm groups over advocacy groups (this stands in all walks of life). For exmaple, check the quality of /r/guns against the still-steaming pile of /r/progun

r/atheism r/Christianity