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Who is happy being in quarantine and can’t relate to these social media posts about “hanging in there”?

I know this doesn’t answer the question, but I’ve had to step away from social media. I haven’t missed a day of work. No, I’m not essential as perceived by the public. Working for a CPA firm. The SBA loans and people looking for their stimulus payments have been a fucking nightmare over the past month. Lots of professions, rightfully so, are getting all the love. Not this office of less than 10, still processing payroll, clients in and out all day long. Thanks to payroll quarterly’s, the extended federal filing deadline, and loan forgiveness requirements, I’ll very likely work Saturdays in July. My retired friends are killing it in quarantine. They’re getting grocery delivery, making masks, baking bread, organizing their whole damn lives. My son is an EMT…I have nothing but love for healthcare workers. I appreciate the alcolades and free meal deliveries to his job. But damn…if I ain’t hating my job and my life and most every person around me. I’m effing tired, my summer should be happening right now, working my ass off 6 days a week and long work days since Jan 1. I’m done. All the while, adapting to crazy clients demands for remote work which slows everything down (I go to some of their offices, usually), but I’m still driving into my office everyday because the boss gives us no other option. Doesn’t have to, less than 10 people social distancing just fine in our own offices :/ Nevermind that we use so many common spaces and devices and all the clients in the office. AND tracking down TP and my own household necessities and groceries in my spare time. The only good in all of this has been the commute but that’s even becoming status quo the last three weeks. I had a mild round of depression a couple weeks back when tax season “ended”. I know I’m being a whiny bitch but damn. There really is no end in sight for all of this. I’ll be wash, rinse and repeating come the holidays. Oof.

I got hired into critical infrastructure a couple weeks before the virus was a thing. I like my work, combined with higher pay, hazard pay the government writing checks AND not being able to spend it, I haven’t had this much in savings literally ever.

Right here. Haven’t changed one aspect of my life during this quarantine. Still working. Never went around other people besides my wife and my friends anyways.

Me! My country has started to un-quarantine since Monday and last night my mom and I were complaining about how we miss it.

I love being a homebody. I’ve gotten my fitness and feeding regimen on track, I’m so rested, and I’ve been able to focus immensely while working. This has been a wonderful personal reset; just unfortunate circumstances