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Who is happy being in quarantine and can’t relate to these social media posts about “hanging in there”?

Happy might be too strong a word, but I haven’t had an issue at all being in quarantine for over 2 months now. I’ve been working almost entirely from home already since 2012, and my SO’s been working from home since 2006, so we’re very used to the dynamic. Plus I’m a pretty private person by nature anyway.

I took a new job last November that brought me back into an office every day, but we went to work-from-home status back in late February/early March after the ‘rona hit, so for me it’s just back to normal. I do sometimes miss eating at my favorite restaurants, but I also love to cook so it’s not a burden eating everything at home. I also miss going to a bar with my friends, but I don’t really go out that much anyway and I’ve gone this long without going out socially many times before.

But I know I’m speaking from a very privileged position. I have a nice house with my own office and a well-paying job still (knock on wood), with a partner that I gel with easily in a WFH situation. Conversely, my best friend lives by himself in a studio apartment, and he’s been going nuts with isolation and a lack of work, and I totally get it. I’d probably go nuts after a while too.

Meeeeee! It’s bee man great for my family.

my mom asked me today “arent you tired of being stuck at home?” i think shes bored, but im loving quarantine. sure online schooling is inferior to irl, but i love how much free time i have from not commuting/not working part time anymore. a kind redditor sent me a ukulele and so ive been practicing for 1.5 months now, i wanna try to get into digital art after finals are over. my summer fieldwork for grad-school was going to be far from home, but its going online so i’m glad i can live with my family these few months (i lived away from home while schooling irl). its also been a good time in helping me realize my stability/feelings of security in some of my social relationships. only downfall was a cancelled spring break trip but theres always a next time.

I’m an introvert who already worked from home and does college online, I barely left the house before, now I just have an excuse.

i want gyms, bars and restaurants to open back up

turns out those were the only places i went